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Welcome to Fire Toys

Fire Toys carries Australia's largest fire twirling range! We carry 7882 lines encompassing juggling, fire twirling, and other performance arts! Our range includes fire staffs (fire sticks), fire poi (fire chains), and many other forms of fire dancing, fire spinning, or juggling equipment.

We also stock a huge range of contact juggling, diabolo, devil sticks, and glow poi... and lots more!

Choose a category from the left, from the random slide-show to the right, or look below for an overview of our range:

Fire Staffs

We stock Australia's largest range of Fire Staffs, with a range of over 783 fire staffs in 14 categories, we can also custom make many more!.

We can make Fire Contact staffs, Multiple wicked staffs, Fire staffs with ridiculously huge wicks, wooden fire staffs, Premium powder-coated staffs, short staffs, double staffs, and even non-fire practice staffs.

Glow Toys

We love pretty coloured LED things as much as the next raver! We stock a nice range of glow toys, such as Practice Poi Glow Ball Strobe Oval 30cm Chain White for AU$ 67.65.

We stock glow partyware, glow sticks, as well as a large range of glow poi, and 663 other LED toys

Juggling Gear

We stock a total of 548 Juggling and gymnastics products, and we're always looking for more!

We carry gymnastic ribbons and balls, spinning plates, juggling rings, clubs, knifes, torches, and balls. We also stock a range of contact juggling balls and acrylics in many colours.

Kevlar and Parts

We keep 10 sizes of kevlar wicking, from 12.5mm to 200mm, and we sell it by the meter or by the roll. We also sell kevlar rope in 6 sizes from 6.4mm to 25.4mm, and kevlar thread.

We also stock a large range of 700 spare parts, including a range of poi handles, quick links, chain, connectors, staff grips, and replacement poi heads.

Fire Poi

We stock the worlds largest range of Fire Poi, with 2171 different kinds of Fire Poi, and you can custom-make your own fire poi too!

Our range starts from tiny 25mm tube core poi suitable for the newbie users, and goes right up complicated multiple header poi sets worth several hundred dollars.

Practice Poi

Because poi is also fun without fire, we stock a large range of Practice Poi, such as Practice Poi Spiral Flag Wire Rope 35cm Chain Double for AU$ 50.27.

We carry sock poi, tennis ball poi, fluffy poi, even practice multiple header poi sets, and 2102 other types of practice poi

Instructional DVDs

We stock a large range of DVD titles related to fire twirling, performance arts, and juggling, including Flairco - Advanced bar flair DVD for AU$ 52.5, as well as 38 more instructional dvds.

Devil Sticks

We stock LED, wooden, chrome, and even fire devil sticks, as well as a range of flowersticks, 152 types in total! Check out Flames n Games Moonshine Devil Stick with control sticks for AU$ 72.47.

Coming soon, you'll be able to custom make your own devil sticks using our online wizard!


Our large range of Diabolo is always growing! We stock entry level and childrens diabolo, pretty patterned diabolos, LED glow diaboloes, premium tripple bearing diabolos, jumbo diaboloes, and even fire diabolos, including Taibolo Super v2 Diabolo - Blue for AU$ 86.96.

We also stock a range of sticks and strings.

Other Fire Toys

Because there are so many other activities in day to day life that could benefit from the addition of fire, we stock Juggle Dream Fire Eating Stick for AU$ 28.53.

We also stock fire fans, fire wands, fire fingers, fire palms, fire skipping ropes, and 764 other types of fire toys

Yo Yos

We carry a range of premium Yo Yos designed for high-calibre performers and elite yo-yoers, such as Duncan Butterfly Yo-Yo for AU$ 15.94.

These 39 types of Yo Yos are of much higher quality then something you'll find at the local toy store.