Fire twirling DVD - encylopoidia 2 new system of poi
Fire twirling DVD - encylopoidia 2 new system of poi
Fire twirling DVD - encylopoidia 2 new system of poi
Welcome to the future of poi! For advanced beginners to experts.
- Zan and Alien Jon team up to show a clear presentation of the new developments in the theory, technique and practice of poi.
- Previously challenging concepts such as hybrids, floaters, inside moves, continuous assembly patterns and many more are broken down logically so your body and and mind can pick them up as quickly as possible.
- 22 instructional chapters run for 95 minutes and are organised in a unique 'choose your path' format: after each lesson YOU choose where to go next.
- Teaching goes beyond technique into performance, practising effectively, body movement and other aspects of being a well-rounded poi spinner.
- 'Profiles' section includes almost 40 minutes of music videos compiled from performance and interview footage of top-level poi spinners such as Noel Yee, Sage, Nick Woolsey and FireGroove discussing their practise techniques and and poi philosophies.
- English and spanish subtitles
- Runtime 135 minutes
- Unzoned